Happy Father's Day!
That's right. I didn't forget the fathers in my life way back in June, it was just that we hadn't celebrated yet. For whatever inexplicable reason, Father's Day in Australia falls in September instead of June. I suspect that it could have to do with the fact that if it was in June it would be in the dead of winter here, but I could be wrong. I just don't know. So, for Father's Day we decided to go to the local Lake/Park and have a picnic breakfast. We invited Rory's dad, Kate, Connah and Ryan and had a lovely bbq'd breakfast of bacon and egg sandwiches. As it happens eggs are somewhat of a challenge to do on a BBQ, but they turned out okay, if somewhat charred. There is also an off-leash dog park at the Lake, and seeing as Alfie would trade me in for ten minutes' play at the park, we had to take the dogs along as well. Poor Alfie. He got yelled at by some silly poodle lady because he ran in full flight up to her dog from the other side of the Park. Not to hurt him, mind you, but just for a sniff or two. He clearly hadn't done anything even remotely dangerous to the poodle, but I think the sight of Alfie running up scared his owner, cause she had a go at us about 'controlling' our dog. Uuuuhhh, at an off leash dog park? Pretty sure he can run. Good thing, really, cause I was afraid he thought the little white poodle was a rabbit and was going to tear it apart. Good Dog, Alfie. I mean, A mistake any self- respecting greyhound could have made. Anyway, Alfie L O V E S the dog park. He runs, he plays, he sniffs, he barks, he steals other people's tennis balls, and he won't let us catch him when its time to leave. Harry, on the other hand, hates the dog park. Anti-social to his core, he growls at other dogs, demands to be picked up, cowers behind my legs and is a Grade-A turd to be around. Here's Harry, watching the ball he was supposed to run after like a cute little terrier roll away, to be eaten by another dog:
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